Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Artist Wanna-be

It has been quite a while since I last posted. Summer is here and we have started getting lots of visitors. But, right now we have a bit of down time so I am able to post my latest craft.

Right before we welcomed our first guests of the summer we (almost) finished our basement reno. We just have flooring left to do...but that is going to take a bit more saving. We have a brand new bathroom, which looks beautiful, however it is still a bit sterile . I wanted to add something to the walls to spruce up the space and add some colour. So, I decided to "paint" a picture. Lets clear this up right away; I am not an artist. I can't draw a picture to save my life and even find tracing difficult.

For me, inspiration always comes at strange times. I was giving my son a bath and playing with his bath markers. We were letting the paint drip down the sides of the tub and it looked pretty neat. I thought it would look great as a painting. I hadn't been brave enough to attempt yet, but I had another project on the go for a wedding shower I am hosting for a friend (I'll blog about this in the next week) and had most of the supplies sitting around. I needed a large canvas, acrylic paints (dark blue and white), paint brushes and acrylic sealer spray(found right next to the acrylic paints).

I simply started at the very top and painted about 2 inches with the dark blue with a thick brush. I then added a drop of blue with a few drops of white paint directly onto the canvas. I mixed it drectly on the canvas and painted another inch or so. I overlaped the colours so that they blended a bit. I then added a line with just white. I blended with the colour above just like before. I dripped my brush in water and blended the edges even more.

Once I was happy with the main background, I took the brush and dripped water through the paint from the top. I started with small amounts and held the canvas at a 45degree angle so I could control the flow of water. It was really fun. After letting it dry overnight I sprayed it with acrylic sealer spray  according to the directions on the bottle so that it would be protected in the washroom.

It reminds me of rain through the clouds.

Not bad for a non-artist, eh?

1 comment:

Thanks for the feedback!!!
