So, Hubby helped me work out a new idea. At work he cut me little brass tags. We got a little metal stamping set for about $15 at Princess Auto. You just hold it in place and hammer it. I practiced a bit first, but it was really simple.
We bought a big long wooden baseboard for about $12, and I (yes all by myself, with a saw and everything) cut it like this...

I cut along all of the red lines. This way I had a point to stick into the ground and there was very little waste. I tried to get them all the same length. I was relatively successful, however, you wouldn't notice when you push them into the ground anyways.
I sanded the rough edges off, and stained them. I think they would look great painted, or left natural looking as well. Hubby sprayed all the stakes and copper tags with a protective spray, to keep them nicer outside. They definately aren't perfectly coated, but this will allow them to slowly weather. I want them eventually to look a bit antiquey (If thats a word...). He then took some cooper wire and wrapped it around a few times, and hung the tag on it. You can find the wire at any home improvement store.
They look so cute in the garden.
They were easy to do, but a bit time consuming.
On a side note - my garden is doing great. I already harvested my first bit of Rhubarb
I'll keep everyone updated on the progress of my garden!
Happy Gardening Everyone!
I would definitely want this in my garden instead of plastic markers. Plus, reusable :) Too bad I live in an apartment.